Monday, December 29, 2008

December at the Marchbanks

We got quite a bit of snow this month and we decided to make a snowman, but all of our neighbors made snowmen, so we decided to turn ours into a snowbunny. The kids started helping us with it, but in the end me and Chris were outside finishing it while the kids were inside getting warm.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

TAG 4:4:4

1. Go to your pictures
2. Upload 4th picture of 4th folder
3. Post and explain picture
4. Tag 4 friends

This is a picture of the cold storage at my Grandparents Bitters house. It is where they kept all the apples. It is basically a big fridge inside. It was taken the day we went up there after my grandma had died and I wanted to take some pictures to remember how the place was before it was changed.

I tag Jenn, Amy, Tawni, and Natalie.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Halloween costumes

We had a Halloween party at my sisters house and here is a picture of the kids. Joey is sleeping beauty and Kyle is Obi Won Kanobi. Joey looks a lot different as a blond. We also painted pumpkins last monday. Kyle's is obviously Mickey Mouse, and Joey's is a nice ghost.

Friday, October 10, 2008

California Trip

We went down and did the Southern California thing. We all had a great time. Besides just us, Chris' Parents and two sisters came. My sister Becki and her family came as well as my brother and his family. We went to Disneyland for 3 days, Sea World and Universal Studios, as well as Newport Beach (which was Joey's Favorite).
It's good to be back home, but we had a ton of fun!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Camping and new addition

Here are some pictures of the kids up camping at Payson Lakes. It rained every night, but the days were gorgeous! We also added another member of the family. Her name is Indy. The kids adore her.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lately we've been working on our playhouse in out back yard. It's taken quite awhile since the weather didn't want to cooperate with us. But now it is done and kids absolutely love it. They always want to play outside on it, rain or shine.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


This is a picture of when Joey and Kyle got cut. Joey's was a little more serious than Kyle's. Both were fairly tramatic to them. Everyone is ok though

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Fam

Ok so I'm new to this whole blog thing, so bare with me. I just got a new computer and haven't loaded my pics yet to it so no pics, but I will. I promise. Actually, I doubt anyone will read this anyway:)